By far one of the most enjoyable jobs I have done is the small brochure for former RAAF Roulettes leader Peter Robinson. The job required designing a small brochure which could be used as a single sheet DL flyer that Peter could print up himself as needed, as well as a single A4 sheet. The pics were sensational to work with and Peter wanted something really bold, but sensible enough to attract his corporate clients.

The challenge with a job like this is to keep to the budget, but to communicate the excitement that the client’s job is an extraordinary role, and that the knowledge they can impart is exciting as well.

One of the most challenging jobs is to work for a client who knows their design, and knows exactly what they want as the end use of their design. The collection of booklets for the Architects Accreditation Association needed to make each book distinct, yet make choosing the correct document as simple as possible. A little nerve wracking as architects can be a picky bunch.The simplicity of the job worked well and the colour of each book became a great tool.

The difficulty in presenting a product which is essentially black, dull and quite similar to other products on the market in a visual sense proved to have enormous challenges. The problem was to make the gear look really clean, yet really black and rubbery, with a high tech edge. I think the final result worked well and it certainly gave the product an edge of difference in the dive magazines. Using the white background gave it an edge of difference to the usual presentation of shooting on location in the water.